Senator Rand Paul’s statement, issued July 25, 2012  His conservative views are spot on. Check out the statement: “It boggles the mind to think that now, during an economic recession, Senate Democrats put forth a plan to raise taxes on nearly a million business owners, farmers, ranchers, and families. “Their idea of a tax plan […]

This is straight from the website of Senator Mike Lee (R-UT). Mike Lee’s views on Fiscal Responsibility just seem to make sense. “Under the principle of fiscal responsibility, the federal government should spend no more than it takes in, and only run deficits in very limited, specific circumstances.  Washington should use reasonable budget projections to […]

This is absolutely incredible. Good luck with getting him back!  ( PROVIDENCE, Cache Valley — A husband and wife whose son disappeared eight years ago in China say they have new information suggesting he may still be alive. In August of 2004, 24-year-old David Sneddon disappeared while in the mountains of Southern China, where he […]

Senator Mike Lee shortsales home

We have all heard the promises from the government that they will stop spending, they are going to cut back programs, and they will balance the budget. The years pass and all they actually do is spend more, create more programs, and make no effort at creating a budget. A great deal of us are ready to stop the lack of inegrity, the vain campaign promises, and the same result time after time.

Every once in a while a piece of legislation is presented that actually fixes the problems our government has created. These pieces of legislation have thought by the majority of people to be a myth, while they are rare, every now and again one makes it to the senate floor. Senator Lee has introduced, for the second time, the Cut, Cap, and Balance Act. It is One of those rare pieces of legislation that does just what the title would lead you to believe.Image

The legislation eliminates $62 billion from discretionary spending in 2013, places caps on future spending over the next decade, and makes a glide path to balancing the budget by 2020. In addition it effectively turns off the sequester and the massive spending cuts to domestic and defense programs due to trigger at the end of the year by amending the Budget Control Act and offsetting the price of the sequester with other cuts.

“The country is on an unsustainable fiscal path,” said Senator Lee, a member of the Joint Economic Committee and author of the consensus Republican Balanced Budget Amendment. “Cut, Cap, Balance is the only plan with significant support in the House and Senate that will address our debt and deficits, control spending, and fundamentally change the way Washington does business.”

Senator Mike Lee just may be one of the most principled and consistent Senators in America. Given the fact that he has had to introduce the “Cut, Cap, and Balance Act” a second time, even after gaining 66% support of the country the first go around, is depressing to say the least. Senator Mike Lee has tirelessly fought to reign in unbridled spending, and the “Cut, Cap, and Balance Act” are proof of his quest. It appears that his endeavors are beginning to take hold among his senate peers. Senator Mike Lee’s bill at present is cosponsored by Sens. Paul (KY), DeMint (SC), Coburn (OK), Blunt (MO), Risch (ID), Toomey (PA), Graham (SC), Isakson (GA), Vitter (LA), Rubio (FL), Cornyn (TX), Crapo (ID), Johnson (WI), Alexander (TN), Chambliss (GA), Barrasso (WY), Inhoffe (OK), Hatch (UT), Boozman (AR), Wicker (MS), and Thune (SD).

Congress has a spending problem and it’s our job to fix it. This plan does that,” said Senator Mike Lee. “It’s not right to ask the American people to pay for the debt Congress created, especially if it has not taken significant steps to reverse overspending. We have to identify our priorities, set responsible spending levels to meet them, and eliminate the trillion dollar deficits that are sapping the economy of precious resources. Cut, Cap, Balance moves us in the right direction so we can restore confidence in our economy, create jobs, and get the country moving again.”

Senator Mike called out the Democrats on the Floor last week over their bold new approach to solve Americ’s Deficit problem.

“AEI: Julia’s mother: Why a single mom is better off with a $29,000 job and welfare than taking a $69,000 job Jul 17, 2012 James Pethokoukis | July 12, 2012, 11:09 am “Senator Mike Lee” “Senator Mike Lee” “Senator Mike Lee” “Senator Mike Lee” “Senator Mike Lee” “Senator Mike Lee” “Senator Mike Lee” “Senator Mike Lee” “Senator Mike Lee” The U.S. welfare system sure […]

Senator Mike Lee” Senator Mike Lee–Two years in office and already being THAT influential? Impressive. We need more people like Lee in our Senate and Congress. “Senator Mike Lee” “Senator Mike Lee” “Senator Mike Lee” “Senator Mike Lee” “Senator Mike Lee” “Senator Mike Lee” “Senator Mike Lee” “Senator Mike Lee” “Senator Mike Lee” “Senator Mike […]

The Saving the American Dream Act just makes sense. Finally we have a senator who knows what he is doing! Check it out:   Here is some more about Mike Lee:

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